The JoyFULL Home 2.0 Course Graphic

The JoyFULL Home 2.0 Course is..

..a follow-up to the JoyFULL Home course and will guide each participant towards a deeper self-understanding and towards your best parenting self.

…based on the teachings of the Enneagram, a powerful self-development tool that combines modern psychology with ancient spiritual wisdom.

…ideal for parents, caregivers, and teachers who view their parenting or teaching journey as an opportunity for self-growth.

Send me your name and best email address to join the waitlist here. You’ll get first dibs on registration when the course launches in the fall of 2024.

Course Launch - Fall 2024

JoyFULL Home Course 2.0

Week 1

Point Eight
Healthy Power, boundaries, and setting clear limits

Week 2

Point Nine
Grounded & Calm

Week 3

Point One
Integrity & Mistakes as Opportunities to learn

Week 4

Point Two
Empathy & Attunement: Knowing what's truly needed

Week 5

Point Three
Leadership with confidence & meaning

Week 6

Point Four
Skilled listening & welcoming all feelings

Week 7

Point Five
Curiosity, objectivity, and collaborative problem-solving

Week 8

Point Six
Clarity & Trusting our inner parenting guidance

Week 9

Point Seven
Gratitude, Freedom, Optimism & let's not forget FUN!

Ready for self-growth?

The JoyFULL Home 2.0 will help you walk away with:

A clear understanding of conscious parenting decisions and an awareness of the 9 main unconscious parenting patterns

A map for creating happy, deeply connected families where children and parents are able to rise to their fullest potential

An understanding of the 9 doorways back to parenting with Presence

The capacity to transform the “triggers” or pitfalls of our personality type into higher leadership skills and gifts, so we can be the role model our children need

Practical Positive Discipline strategies to apply immediately

This workshop won’t be:

Therapy. We’ll be exploring our inner selves, and it may feel therapeutic; however, this workshop is about Positive Discipline and the Enneagram. If you feel the desire to go deeper with the course material with the help of a therapist, I recommend that wholeheartedly.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to attend this course with my spouse or can I attend alone?

Some parents really enjoy attending together, but it’s not compulsory. Sometimes one parent attends while the other parent looks after the kids, then switch roles for the next session. Sometimes one parent is just not on board with attending. That’s OK. You can still make a difference in your home life, even if you’re attending alone.

What if I can’t attend the live call?

If you have to miss one of the classes, there will be a summary email that will follow a few days later. For the emotional safety of the class participants and due to the delicate nature of sharing in our small group, the classes are NOT recorded. The course book is a great resource to keep up with any learning missed.

Are the classes recorded?

No. In order to keep an emotionally safe environment I do not record the classes. For now, this is preferred by most course participants.

How much time will I need to spend on the course?

Each weekly class is 2 hours long. A follow-up email with additional resources will be distributed to attendees after each class – but further learning is optional.

Will I need any special supplies?

When the course is being offered virtually, you’ll need some type of device to join the live Zoom class each week…and a pen (or a few if you are a stationary nerd like me!).

Is the price per person or per couple?

The price is per person. Class seating is limited so that each participant gets the personal support they need.

What is your refund policy?

Joyfull Coaching does not offer a refund after course registration is complete.


5 Ways to Discover Your Enneagram Type and Why it Matters When Raising Kids

Download this guide to better understand your thought patterns and build stronger connection with your children.

5 Ways to Discover Your Enneagram Type and Why It Matters When Raising Kids PDF