Customized Coaching with Valerie Tih & the Enneagram

Discover your natural gifts – who you can be at your best

Do you have some dog-eared parenting and self-help books? Maybe you’ve been around the block so to speak, and you don’t shy away from personal therapy. You’re self-aware and yet, something still seems “off”, especially when it comes to parenting. This matters because you want to parent in a conscious way, perhaps differently than you were raised. You want to be a positive role model for your kids and leave a positive family legacy. The “buck” stops with you and you want your family to thrive.

The Enneagram gives you the map you need to transform your parenting “blindspots” into your greatest parenting gifts.

The Enneagram helps us name the motivations that drive us to make the same choices over and over again, and illuminates our blind spots. With customized Enneagram coaching, we can unveil the real reasons why our kids trigger us, and spin them into solutions for tough parenting moments.

Harness your unique parenting strengths

Embrace presence over perfection

Return to wholeness and restore balance

Book Valerie for personalized coaching today!

The day came when the risk to remain in a tight bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. - Anais Nin

Customized Coaching can help you:

Reconnect to your instinctual knowing and inner wisdom

Find more balance and wholeness in your life

Improve your confidence as a parent

Restore your sense of calm

Break unhelpful habits and get unstuck

Create a roadmap for long-term parenting success

Provide compassionate accountability without judgement

We might not be a good match if…

You want a cookie-cutter approach, or just want to be told what to do

You want a “quick fix” and aren’t willing put in the practice of doing things differently

Your family is in crisis and family therapy would be more suitable

Let's get you back on track to being the parent you know you are!

Book a Coaching Session and Get Back On Track


Discover your Enneagram Type

Take the RHETI test, a research-based sophisticated assessment tool ($20) here.

Click here for tips on taking the RHETI test.


Book a Session

Book a 60-minute on-line coaching session. Online sessions available via Zoom, FaceTime, or Skype.



Learn about your parenting strengths and “blind spots” and receive a customized plan for your personal growth.

Book Your Session Here

Sometimes you don’t need more therapy, you need more clarity. - Dr. Robert Holden

Enneagram & Positive Discipline Coaching Investment


Intensive Coaching

One 60-minute session, available by appointment after completion of the corresponding course:


Enneagram Discovery Package

One 60-minute review of your Enneagram RHETI report (cost $12 to the Enneagram Institute) with one 30-minute follow-up. Take the RHETI test here.


Customized Coaching Package

Coaching packages are available to clients who have completed a course with Valerie Tih and who want to tweak or extend the learning.

Contact Valerie Tih to customize a package and price.

The JoyFULL Home Course

Open the door to personalized parent coaching with this foundational course. 

The JoyFULL Home Course Graphic

Disclaimer: Valerie Tih is certified Enneagram teacher and a certified OCT registered teacher. Enneagram Coaching is not therapy, counseling, mental health care, or treatment for substance abuse. I am not a licensed mental health professional so coaching is not intended as a replacement for counseling, psychiatric interventions, treatment for mental illness, recovery from abuse, professional medical advice, legal counsel or other professional services.

“Valerie was terrific at walking my wife and I through our specific Enneagram road map. She clearly explained when and why our personalities either clash, or in their own way are agreeing but we don’t see it. It has also given us clarity on how our personalities influence our parenting, and how that can be either beneficial or counterproductive. The Enneagram has been very insightful and we’ll definitely be coaching with Valerie again in the future.”

Jacob Blair, parent

“What Valerie has taught my husband and I is absolutely invaluable. Truly beyond words. I am so proud of how far our son has come and how well he has started to be able to embrace our calmness and move through his upsets, all while remaining connected to us. Life will continue to be a learning journey for our family, but after going through the JoyFULL Coaching Program with Valerie we feel better equipped to handle whatever is thrown our way, especially as we are expecting our second!!“

Sarah & Craig, Parents

“We couldn’t feel more lucky to have had Valerie help our family through potty training our son. From the moment we first spoke with her, we knew we would be in good hands! Valerie gave us insights into how to approach the training including showing us how to use empathy and kindness while also ensuring we maintained control over the process. She went above all of our expectations and made herself available on countless occasions to trouble shoot. I would often even get a text from her just to 'check in'"!

Selena & Chris, Parents

“We have learned many valuable tools. Valerie’s approach to parenting has been helpful in making our home more peaceful. The Enneagram assessment was a helpful puzzle piece to help us connect with our children’s emotional needs.

Tony & Krista

“Valerie’s expertise in early human development has been honed over years of practice. Valerie’s approach to coaching parents towards being present and conscious has had real impact, helping me to be more of the kind of parent I long to be! I’ve noticed shifts in my behaviour and as a result, behaviour of my children and family. So grateful for Valerie’s gifts to our world…”

Jen Nash

“…trust the oak tree that lives in the acorn, the butterfly that grows in the chrysalis, the wisteria’s fragrant flowers opening from spring’s first pale buds.“ - Author Unknown


5 Ways to Discover Your Enneagram Type and Why it Matters When Raising Kids

Download this guide to better understand your thought patterns and build stronger connection with your children.

5 Ways to Discover Your Enneagram Type and Why It Matters When Raising Kids PDF